Whole School
End of Term Activities
Good to Know Newsletter - Sent on Behalf of Parent Support Team
Guide to Ordering School Meals
New Classes - September 2024
Holiday Activities
- HAF flyer (no DfE logo).png
- Wednesbury.png
- Tipton.png
- Smethwick.png
- SEND.png
- Rowley.png
- Oldbury.png
- West Bromwich.png
After School Club - Young Voices 2025
Dear parents and carers,
The Friends of Abbey will be providing 'Rocket Ice Lollies' for the children taking part in Sports Day.
If you don't want your child to have one, let the class teacher know.
Sports Days are today Year 3 and 4, tomorrow Year 5 and 6 and Thursday Year 1 and 2.
Many thanks
Friends of Abbey
Dear Parents/Carers,
Sports Days
We are pleased to announce our Sports Days will take place during the school day, on the following dates:
Years 3 & 4 – Tuesday 25th June 2024.
Years 5 & 6 – Wednesday 26th June 2024.
Years 1 & 2 – Thursday 27th June 2024.
As with all previous years, parents and carers will not be invited to spectate.
All children can come to school in sports clothes or their PE kit for the day.
Please can you ensure all children are dressed appropriately for the weather on the day, for e.g. if it is hot please can you ensure all children have a sun hat, shoulders covered, sunscreen and water bottles.
Yours Sincerely,
Ms. S M Collins
School Business Director
Executive Head Teacher’s PA
Dear parent/carer,
Following the email sent last week with the link for your child’s class pictures, we would like to let you know that the free “deliver to school” option that is open until 21st June 2024. Alternatively, home delivery is available at a cost of £5 postage and packing.
If you need assistance or have any questions regarding placing an order, please call 01736 751555 (option 3) or click on the “contact” button on our website home page (htempest.co.uk) where our friendly team will be happy to help.
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
We have arranged for Tempest Photographers to visit the school on the dates below. Therefore, please try to ensure your child is in school on this day and encourage them to wear full school uniform.
Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:
Children will each have a class photograph taken with their teaching and support staff.
Thursday 23rd May 2024
Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5
Children will each have a class photograph taken with their teaching and support staff.
Year 6:
A photograph will be taken of the whole year group with their teaching and support staff. Your child will also be photographed with their class group.
You will be informed of how to order the photos once they have been taken.
If you require any further information please contact the school office.
Dear Parents / Carers,
We hope this letter finds you well. We wanted to take a moment to address the topic of illness and absence in our school.
In line with guidance from the NHS and the Sandwell School Attendance Service, we would like to emphasise the importance of children attending school even if they have minor illnesses such as a cough, cold, runny nose, sore throat, or other similar ailments.
If your child has a headache or feels a bit ‘under the weather’ you can give them some Calpol and send them in slightly later if necessary. We can administer Calpol if it has been prescribed or you can come back to school to give further Calpol if required. We can call you to come and collect if they feel unwell.
For more information on determining whether your child is too ill for school, we recommend visiting the NHS website at the following link: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/
We understand that all children are poorly from time to time. However, if your child is absent for two or more consecutive days, we may request evidence that you have sought medical advice. Additionally, if your child’s attendance falls below our aspiration of at least 96% attendance, we may request medical evidence.
To further support your understanding of school attendance and ways to improve it, we encourage you to visit the following resources:
Sandwell Attendance Support Service: https://www.sandwell.gov.uk/schools-education/school-attendance
Government information on improving school attendance:
We greatly appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the regular attendance of your child at school.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Dr R Kentish
Executive Head Teacher
Dear Parents and carers,
I hope this letter finds you well. As we approach the end of the term, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on some important matters regarding the safety of our school community.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to all parents who have been incredibly supportive in reducing the number of pupils leaving the site on their own. This has had a significant impact on congestion and safety around the school premises. I am pleased to report that since implementing this change, we have seen a marked improvement in both areas.
However, it is disheartening to note that some parents and members of our community continue to make poor choices when it comes to driving. Just this week, we had a near miss with a child, which serves as a stark reminder that we, as responsible adults, have the power to further enhance the safety of our school environment.
On a more positive note, I would like to take a moment to celebrate the vast majority of our community who consistently make sensible choices and prioritise the safety of our children. Your commitment to making the end of the day safe is good and I am grateful for your ongoing support.
Moving forward, let us all work together to ensure that the safety and consideration of everyone remains a top priority at the end of the day. By continuing to make responsible choices, we can create an environment where our children can thrive and feel secure.
As we approach the Easter break, I would like to wish you and your families a wonderful and restful holiday. Enjoy this time together, recharge, and we look forward to seeing everyone back in April, ready to continue our learning at Abbey.
I would like to inform you that if you witness any instances of dangerous or careless driving in our community, you can report them through the following link: https://www.west-midlands.police.uk/bob-e/dangerous-careless-driving
Your vigilance and willingness to report such incidents will contribute to the overall safety of our area.
Thank you once again for your ongoing support and cooperation.
Richard Kentish
Executive Head Teacher
Dear parents and carers,
For Easter, as with previous years, we will be a Cadbury Creme Egg for all of the children.
We are aware that some of our children and families follow a sugar free or dairy free diet, or may have allergies to some of the ingredients.
We are therefore asking parents to let us know if this will NOT be suitable for their child.
If you DO NOT want your child to have the Creme Egg, please respond to this email no later than mid day on Friday 15th March.
Alternatively, if you would like a dairy free option, please let us know.
If you are happy for your child to receive the Cadbury Creme Egg, you do not need to do anything. If we do not hear from you, your child will receive a Creme Egg.
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Red Nose Day 2024
Sandwell Family Hub
Friends of Abbey - Spring Bop
- Spring Bop March 2024.pdf
- Spring Bop March 2024.docx
- Juniors - Spring Bop.png
- Infants - Spring Bop.png
World Book Fayre
Easter Sports Camp 2024
Whole School Parents Evening
Dear parents and carers,
Please follow this ink for our Curriculum Information Leaflets
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Good morning all,
As we are nearing the end of our 2023/24 flu season, we would just like to take this time to thank you for your co-operation and assistance this year,
We have our final catch-up clinics which will be taking place on 09 December 2023, in both WALSALL 09:00 - 13:30 and DUDLEY 09:00 - 12:30 for those parents that have missed the opportunity to consent for the vaccination. This is to be offered to Reception - Year 11 (ALL SPECIAL SCHOOL STUDENTS).? We have booked catch up sessions for some schools where the uptake was slightly lower than others however, with the hard stop on 15th December, this has made it extremely difficult for us to offer catch up's to all schools that require one. If you have not been contacted for a catch up to be arranged, we would appreciate if you could make parents aware of these?final?clinics?which will be booked by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
The flu nasal spray will NOT be accessible after the 15th December from any provider/service, so this will be the final opportunity to administer the flu nasal sprays/IM this year.
We will disclose the location of this clinic when parent's contact our office.
If you have any feedback with regards to our services provided for this years flu season, we would appreciate it if you could complete the below survey so we can continue to provide our schools with the highest standard of service we can.
Secondary School Survey:
Vaccination UK Satisfaction Survey 2023/2024 - Secondary Schools (surveymonkey.co.uk)
Primary School Survey:
Vaccination UK Satisfaction Survey 2023 - Primary Schools (surveymonkey.co.uk)
Thank you for your co-operation.
Sandwell Immunisations Administration Team
Ladies Walk | Sedgley| Dudley | DY3 3UA
T: +44 0121 592 1110
Follow us on social media:
Dear parents and carers
We will be having our Christmas Party Day on Thursday 21st December 2023.
Children will be able to come into school in party clothes and should also bring in a small plate or lunchbox of party food to enjoy during the afternoon (this will be during the morning for Nursery children).
The items on the plate/lunchbox will be for your child to eat and not to be shared with their friends.
Please remember that children should not bring in any items that contain nuts due to allergies.
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Dear parents and carers,
For Christmas, as with previous years, we will be ordering selection boxes for all of the children.
We are aware that some of our children and families follow a sugar free or dairy free diet, or may have allergies to some of the ingredients.
We are therefore asking parents to let us know if a selection box will NOT be suitable for their child.
We will be ordering ‘Cadbury Dairy Milk Small Chocolate Selection Pack' (89g)
If you DO NOT want your child to have the selection box, please respond to this email no later than Wednesday 29th November.
Alternatively, if you would like a dairy free option, please let us know.
If you are happy for your child to receive the selection box, you do not need to do anything.
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Dear parents and carers,
Just letting you know that The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School - Smethwick are registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself!
These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment.
You can find our easyfundraising page at
So far we've received over £1100 all for free - by clicking a button.
Thank you so much!
Dear parents and carers
There has been an update to the year group email addresses. The email addresses are now as follows:-
Nursery - yn@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
Reception - yr@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
Year 1 - y1@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
Year 2 – y2@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
Year 3 – y3@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
Year 4 – y4@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
Year 5 – y5@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
Year 6 – y6@abbey.sandwell.sch.uk
If you have sent an email to your child’s year group recently and have not had a response, please try forwarding again to the updated address above.
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Children in Need Day 2023
Friends of Abbey - Christmas Fayre 2023
Changes to School Meals
- ParentPay Parent Guide to Preordering.pdf
- Letter for Abbey Infants.docx
- Letter for Abbey Infants.pdf
- Letter for Abbey Juniors.docx
- Letter for Abbey Juniors.pdf
Odd Socks Day 2023
Poppy Appeal 2023
Dear parents and carers
We would like to let you know that families who qualify for benefit related free school meals should receive their £15.00 supermarket voucher no later than Thursday this week. This voucher is per child, so you will receive more than one depending on how many children you have attending Sandwell schools.
To check if you are eligible, please follow the link on the school website:
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Dear Parents / Carers
With October being Black History month, the School Council have decided that they would like the children to show their support by getting involved in "Show Racism the Red Card" day on Friday 20th October 23.
The School Council would like the children to come to school that day wearing something red e.g. jumper, t-shirt, socks, hair band etc. It will be a non-funding event so no donations please.
Please do not go out any buy anything especially for this day.
Thank you for your support.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Friends of Abbey are pleased to announce they will be holding a Halloween Disco straight after school on Wednesday 25th October 2023 3.15pm – 4.15pm (Infants) and 3.25pm - 4.25pm (Juniors).
Children can come dressed in age appropriate Halloween costumes for the day if they so wish but this is not a requirement.
Children in Year 1 who are going on their Black Country Living Museum Trip can bring costumes if they want in a bag and they will be able to get changed upon their return.
Friends of Abbey have asked if children can please bring in a drink and snack to have during the disco.
Please ensure your child is collected promptly by an adult at 4.15pm (Infants) and 4.25pm (Juniors). Children will be collected from their classrooms. If your child is going to Playden, they will be collected at the end of the disco and taken to Playden as normal.
We are asking for a contribution of £2.50 per child towards the cost of this activity. Please refer to our Charging Policy for further details.
Please log onto your child’s ParentPay account to enable you to give your consent by Friday 20th October 2023. This deadline will be strictly adhered to and no more children will be added once this date has passed.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Friends of Abbey
Wolverhampton Grand Theatre - Snow White
Dear parents and carers
Vaccination UK will be coming into school on 4th December 2023 to give the nasal flu vaccination for the following classes:
1S, 1P, 2G, 2J and 2S
They will also be able to give vaccinations to any children who signed up but were absent on 29th September 2023.
The link has been reopened, so you can consent to your child having the vaccination if you missed it the first time around. Vaccination UK Immunisation (schoolvaccination.uk)
If you decide to get your child vaccinated elsewhere, it is your responsibility to let Vaccination UK know, by calling 0121 592 1110 or emailing Sandwell@v-uk.co.uk.
Children who have no consent will not be vaccinated.
If you have any questions or would like to check if you have given consent or not, please contact Vaccination UK by calling 0121 592 1110 or emailing Sandwell@v-uk.co.uk.
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Parents Evening - Reception to Year 6
Sandwell Family Information Service
Dear parents and carers
Families who are eligible for benefit related free school meals have been issued with holiday supermarket vouchers in the past.
If you have previously had the vouchers, you do not need to do anything.
If you think you may be eligible, or your circumstances have recently changed, please complete the online form (link below).
Alternatively, you can email Sandwell Council for more information education_benefits@sandwell.gov.uk
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit in school. This will be sent home each half term to be washed.
PE kit can be ordered from Ace Embroidery, or you can buy plain white t-shirt and blue shorts and plimsoles from a supermarket.
Children who wear earrings must have them removed on their PE day - the teacher is unable to do this for them.
Many thanks
Dear parents and carers,
The children will be having their individual school photos taken on the following dates:
18/09/23 - Abbey Junior School
19/09/23 - Abbey Infant School
You will be provided with details of how to order and make payment on the day.
Please ensure your child is wearing full school uniform.
Many thanks
Abbey Federation
Vaccination UK, who are commissioned by the NHS to provide child immunisations within schools, will be attending our school to deliver the Flu Nasal Spray’s or IM alternative (porcine free injection) on Friday 29th September 2023.
Vaccination UK are obliged to offer 100% of the eligible school aged population from Reception – Year 11 a flu vaccination. This year, the window of time that we can deliver the flu vaccination programme has been significantly limited. In previous years, we could vaccinate from October until the middle of February. However, this year, NHS England have put a ‘hard stop’ on the end date for offering the flu vaccine of December 15th, in order to ensure that children are vaccinated by Christmas and the chance of flu circulating in the community is reduced.
For any child aged 12 and above that does not return a consent form prior to a school vaccination session must be seen on the day by our clinical team so that they can assess them for Gillick Competency (self-consent). This will be undertaken in addition to verbal consent being taken from parents on the day via telephone where need be. Contacting parents directly is always the preferred options the first instance.
This process is fully endorsed by NHS England. Any child that wishes to receive the flu vaccine is first made aware of the benefits and possible side effects, and is assessed as competent, or not competent by our nurses.A link to further information on Gillick is below:
Consent to treatment - Children and young people - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
It is really important that they receive a consent form back for every child, even if you do NOT wish for your child to receive the immunisation, there is an option to decline. Failure to complete a consent form, may result in our call centre making contact with you to obtain it verbally.Please complete the below link to state whether you wish to consent or decline.