Year 1
Our new website has been migrated over the summer - these class pages will be updated by Friday 13th September.
Autumn Term
Mrs Kaur
Mrs Phillips (Tues- Fri)
Mrs Whitehouse (Mon)
Mrs Brighton
Miss Rouse
Mr Knight
Mrs Goldie
Miss Coleman
Miss Hinton (PPA Cover)
Ed White (PPA Cover)
Emma Wheatley (PPA Cover)
Christine Appleby (PPA Cover)
Take a look at our 'Who's Who?' page to find out a bit more about us!
This term our topic is 'The Victorians'
Through this topic we will be linking our History, Art and Design and Technology. The children will be comparing our present lives with those of the Victorians, looking at schools, work, toys and homes. We will be using drama, books, the Internet and a visit to The Black Country Living Museum to discover more about life in Victorian times!
We will also be holding a Victorian Day in school, giving the children an opportunity to dress-up and see their classroom transform into a Victorian school room! Parents and carers will also be invited to accompany their child in making a Victorian Spoon Doll.
Classes will have a weekly PE lesson. These will be on the following days:
1K - Tuesday
1P – Thursday
1B- Wednesday
Please ensure that your child has a named P.E. kit in school (white t-shirt, blue shorts and black pumps). It is advisable that long hair is tied back and that earrings are not worn on your child’s P.E. days (children will have to wear tape over earrings if they have been left in on their P.E day).
Spellings will be given out to the children every half-term and will be checked on Fridays. Children will be taught different spelling patterns and rules closely linked to our Phonics lessons at school. Additionally, you can help your child to learn the 'common exception words.' These are the words the children are expected to read and spell correctly. You will find links to the common exception and high frequency words, together with spelling lists, in the section below (useful links). Your child can also practise their spellings using which is a brilliant tool to help support your child's spelling at home. You will find their log-in details on the inside cover of their reading diary.
Reading books
Please hear your child read regularly throughout the week and comment in their reading diary. It is essential that books are sent in to school every day. It is beneficial for your child to have their reading books available on additional days, as we have a volunteer reader in school every Wednesday and staff also hear children read throughout the week.
1K - Monday
1P – Wednesday
1B - Tuesday
Online Learning
Your child will have received individual login details for Education City, Purple Mash, Spelling Frame and Numbots. These can be found on the inside cover of their reading diary. These can be used to access many useful games and activities.
Autumn 1 Spellings
Key Dates
For the latest up-to-date news and events please link the school calendar to your personal calendar at our website:
You will also receive letters via email and text reminders about events, closer to the date.
Many thanks for your support and co-operation. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 1 Team on:
Useful Links below
Below are: Year 1 high frequency words, tricky words and common exception words that you can practice reading with your child.
- Monster words.pdf
- 1st 20 high frequency words.ppt
- 2nd 20 high frequency words.ppt
- 3rd 20 high frequency words.ppt
- 4th 20 high frequency words.ppt
- 5th 20 high frequency words.ppt
- Phase 4 and 5 tricky words.ppt
- common-exception-words.pdf
Pure sounds for phonics
Please take a look at this helpful website to practise the pure sounds that we use when teaching phonics to our children.
Your child has received their own login details for the links below. Check them out and have fun with your learning!