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Year 2

Parent Dates 2024/2025

Parent Dates (pdf)

Parent Dates (word)

Weston Super-Mare - School Visit

Year 2 Weston Visit (word)

Year 2 Weston Visit

2024/2025 Letters above this line


Dear Year 2 parents and carers

Reminder for tomorrow's Prom.

Collect from school as normal.

Children should return to school at 5pm for the Prom.

They can wear their favourite clothes. 

Pizza, chips and drinks will be served during the Prom.

Collect from school at 7pm.

The Prom is a lovely opportunity for the children to celebrate their time at Abbey Infants, and we are looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Many thanks

Year 2 Team

Dear parents and carers

Can you ensure your child has their costume in school by Friday this week.  Can you make sure everything is named so nothing gets misplaced.

If your child has a speaking part, please practice their lines with them at home too.

Any questions about the costume or lines, please speak to your child's teacher.

Many thanks

Year 2 Team

On Wednesday  3rd July 2024, Year 2 will spend the day in the Juniors including eating in the canteen. 

Year 2 children will be dropped off at the Infant school as normal. 

Staff will register children and escort them across to the Junior site. 

For collection, we would like you to collect from the juniors at 3.25pm. 

All parents enter the site from the gates on the corner of Barclay Road, and walk through the playground, exiting on the Warley Woods side. There is a ten minute difference in time to allow parents to move from the infants to juniors.

Your current child’s class teacher will also be there to help safely dismiss the children 

Many thanks

Year 2 Team

Dear parents and carers, 

On Wednesday 26th June 2024, Year 2 and Year 4 will be taking part in a Create A Comic Workshop with Steve Robert and Joel Stewart, the creators of the Tangletree Mysteries!

Children will join Steve and Joel for an interactive, fun event where the children will learn the secrets of comic book creation and have the chance to create a comic strip, as well as the following:

·An intro from Joel and Steve about their work with comics and unusual way they share the writing and drawing, the secrets of comic book making and the world of Tangletree and its characters. 

·Live drawing galore! Using flipcharts, the children will contribute ideas for characters and plot for a story based in the world of Tangletree. These ideas will be distilled into 4 or 5 cartoon strip panels and live drawn. 

·To conclude, the children will go away and finish the story themselves in their own time. 

·Q&A: a chance to ask Steve and Joel your burning questions! 

·Finishing with the book signing for children who have purchased one of their books. 

Books can be purchased via ParentPay before the event and given on the day to be signed.  If you wish to purchase the book, this needs to be done before Friday 21st June 2024.

Book price is £7.99 but will be offered with a £1 discount so it will be £6.99 if they order for collection on the day. 

After the event it will be available at Bear Bookshop for full price.

Many thanks

Mrs Bhatoe

Dear parents and carers

If your child is currently eligible for income based free school meals, and you receive the food vouchers during the half terms, then you need to reapply ready for when your child starts the juniors in September.

You are also welcome to make an application if your circumstances have recently changed and you think you may have become eligible recently.  

Please visit the infant office and we will give you a form to complete.  Otherwise the link below can be used.

Many thanks

Abbey Infants 

Year 2 End of Year Events

Dear parents and carers

Children who are not attending the Frank Chapman residential next week should come to school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, dressed in comfortable clothes for the fun activities they will be taking part in.

Children will come home today with a consent form for them to take part in Forest School.

We have attached the list of children's names and which day they will be taking part in Forest School.

Many thanks

Year 2 Team 

Dear parents and carers,

The following events are coming up for Year 2 - further details will follow over the next few weeks:-

Year 2 Leavers Assembly 16/7/2024 at 1.30pm

Prom/Leavers Party 18/7/2024 at 5pm

Please keep these dates and times free

With regards to the assembly, we are allocating two tickets per child.  We also ask that no siblings or other children attend, even those sitting on laps. 

Don't forget we also have the Parents Picnic on 20/6/2024, information regarding this has already been sent.

Many thanks

Year 2 Team 

Dear parents and carers

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Day Visit trip to Frank Chapman.

We have had an extremely low uptake and trip viability relies upon voluntary contributions. 

We will issue refunds to those who have made a payment as soon as possible.

Children will still be taking part in lots of fun activities at school during the 3 days next week.

Apologies, but we were left with no other option.

Many thanks

Year 2 Team

Thursday 20th June 2024 - 'Parents Picnic in the Playground'

The 'Parents Picnic in the Playground' will take place on Thursday 20th June 2024 at 2:15pm.  This will be weather permitting! 

The children will be making healthy picnic snacks for you to come and enjoy.  All you need to do is bring a blanket to sit on!  This event will be limited to two adults per child.  

Unfortunately, we ask that no siblings or other children attend.  To avoid disappointment, please be aware that should more than two adults per child arrive, they will be refused entry.  

Many thanks

Year 2 Team

Dear parents and carers

Can you send your child in with an old t-shirt/shirt tomorrow (14/5/24) for the children's art lesson.

Many thanks

Year 2 Team 

Year 2 SATs

Frank Chapman - Day Visit

Year 2 Puppet Workshop

Dear Parents/Carers, 

In a recent survey carried out at Parents Evening, it was clear that you would like some support in helping your children at home with their reading and maths work. With this in mind, there will be some workshops held where we will explain how reading and maths are taught and how you can support your children further at home.


Monday 26th February

9:00am - 9:45am  or 3:20pm -  4:00pm with Mrs Kaur

Early Reading support from Phonics through to fluent reading. 

This session will help you, help us ensure your child will read fluently upon leaving Key Stage 1. 

Support will be given in the type of questions you can ask to support your child develop their understanding of texts as well as their fluency. Tips and advice on supporting children with their phonics will also be provided.


Monday 4th March

9:00am - 9:45am  or 3:20pm -  4:00pm with Mrs Johnson

Early Maths

This session will show you the methods we use in our mastery approach to maths. 

Support will be given in showing how we use resources, pictures and calculations to develop your children's depth of understanding and fluency in maths. We will also show the methods we use for calculations using all four operations.

Please book the session you would like to attend online via ParentPay so we can ensure we have sufficient resources for you to join in in what will hopefully be  fun and interactive support sessions.

These workshops will be recorded and available online should you not be available to attend.

We look forward to seeing you. 

Mrs Johnson and Mrs Kaur

Dear Parents and carers,

Here at Abbey, vocabulary is a key component of our curriculum. 

At the beginning of our non-core lessons, the children are shown key words to discuss, and to activate prior knowledge. These words are regularly revisited and referred to in order to help them become embedded in your child’s long-term memory. 

In order to further promote a rich vocabulary for our children, lists of subject specific vocabulary have been put together so that you can play a part in helping your child to learn, understand and make good use of this vocabulary.

You can find these lists on our website on the Year 1 and Year 2 class pages, under the heading ‘Subject Specific Language’.   Your child will also be bringing home a hard copy. At points throughout the year, Kahoot quizzes will be set for your child to complete at home to show off their super understanding! 

Having a good understanding of this vocabulary will certainly support your child’s success across the curriculum.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs R Phillips

Dear parents and carers

On Thursday 1st February 2024 children will be taking part in Sandwell Council's Road Safety Workshop.

The children will be crossing between Abbey Infants and Juniors for this workshop.  This will take place during the school day.

If you have any questions, please speak to your child's teacher.

Many thanks

Year 2 Team

Frank Chapman Interest

Year 2 - Animal Man Thursday 25th Jan 2024

Dear Year 2 parents and carers,

The children in year 2 will be sent home with a boarding pass during the last week of school.

Please can you make sure they bring this in with them on their first day back.

This is part of the Australia Day they will be having on the Monday 8th January 2024.

We want the children to imagine they are going to be boarding a flight to Australia - eye masks and neck pillows at the ready!

The children can wear any Australian themed clothes they might have, or the dress in the colours of the Australian flag.

If they have any items linked to the topic (boomerangs, kangaroo cuddly toys etc) they can also bring them in.

Please ensure they are clearly named.

Many thanks Year 2 Team

Dear Year 1 and 2 parents and carers

On Friday 22nd December, we will be having a movie and PJ day.

The children are asked to come to school dressed in pyjamas or lounge wear (joggers/hoodies etc).

This will be as a reward for filling up the class marble and token jars.

Children can bring slippers with them if they wish, but must also have sensible shoes for playtime and going home time. They will be watching a PG rated Christmas movie and be offered a snack and a drink.

If you do not wish for your child to take part, please let their teacher know.

Many thanks Abbey Federation

Weston trip due back at 4.30pm.

We will send another email with a more accurate ETA around 4pm.

Year 2 Weaving Workshop

Autumn Sports Camp - October 2023

Year 2 - Weston Super Mare Trip Thursday 12th October 2023

Dear parents and carers

Please can we remind you that school meals are free for all children at Abbey Infants.

At the beginning of September, as the cost of the lunches change, the ParentPay accounts may show a school meal debt.

Please ignore this - you do not need to pay.

We have contacted ParentPay to rectify this.

Many thanks,

Abbey Infants

Application for Year 3 Place - Sept 2024


To start our Autumn topic, we will be holding a Scottish Day on Friday 8th September 2023.

The children will be taking part in a Scottish Day where they will learn about Scottish traditions.

Throughout the day, the children will be participating in Highland games, making shortbread and learning about Scottish art.

The children are also invited to wear their own clothes in the colours blue and white for the day.

These could also include any special, traditional or cultural clothes if they wish.On this day, we also ask that the children wear sensible footwear – trainers or pumps.We are asking for a contribution of £1.00 per child towards this activity.

Please refer to our charging policy and remissions for further details. 

Please login to your child’s ParentPay account to give your consent and to make payment by Monday 4th Sept 2023.

Many thanks

Year 2 Team