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Year 5

Our new website has been migrated over the summer - these class pages will be updated by Friday 13th September.

Welcome to Year 5!

This page will be updated with information throughout the year. Keep popping in to find out what is going on in Year 5.

Autumn Term

Meet the teachers:

Miss Rockett (5R)
Mrs Piper (5P)
Mrs Vickers (5V)

Support Staff

Mrs Sherwood (PPA cover)
Miss Hinton (PPA/PE cover)
Miss Smith
Miss Jones
Mrs Webb (1:1 support)

Mrs Blackburn (1:1 support)

We will continue to develop our mastery approach to mathematics developing their reasoning, problem solving and fluency. We will begin by looking at the place value of numbers up to one million. We will underpin and consolidate the learning from Year 4 for a smooth transition to the Year 5 curriculum for all. The four operations will be covered throughout the term along with interpreting data, area and perimeter and fractions. Children need to continue to learn their times tables up to 12x12 using TTRockstars to support this. We will also look to develop the children’s fluency when solving a variety of calculations during a weekly arithmetic session.

We will be studying how to write non-chronological reports, instructional texts, diary entries and narrative whilst exploring a range of sentence structures, subordinate clauses and vocabulary.

Spelling and grammar will be included in every lesson as well as experimenting with a range of punctuation. We will be encouraging children to develop their inferential skills and the detail of their written responses during reading comprehension and guided reading sessions.

This topic is all about the achievements of the earliest Ancient Egyptian civilization, looking at schools, work, home life, culture and religion. We will be using drama, books and the Internet as well as being visited by an Egyptologist, to build a greater understanding of what life was like back in the Ancient Egyptian period. On this day, the children will have the opportunity to dress up as Ancient Egyptians and take part in some of the games that were played during the Egyptian civilisation. This will be a fantastic day with many interactive activities taking place.

We will start the term by developing a chronological knowledge of world history and where the Ancient Egyptian civilisation fits into this. We explore the achievements of the Egyptians and how they have impacted on the world today. Mummification, Gods and Goddesses, the River Nile, Tutankhamun, Hieroglyphics and the number system are just a few of the topics that we cover. The children will compare their lives today to that of an Ancient Egyptian child.

The children will be using an atlas and online resources to locate the continents and the bodies of water that surround Egypt. We will focus on the journey of a river and the importance of the River Nile to the Egyptian civilisation. Throughout this unit, we will explore the human and physical features in the African continent.

The children will develop their skills using chalk pastels, water colours and sgraffito. The majority of our work will be influenced by Ancient Egypt. The children will be developing their use of artistic vocabulary such as: tone, depth, blend, layering and wet on wet to create their very own Egyptian scene. The children will also  be studying the work of a famous Egyptian artist, Reda Abdel Rahman for inspiration.

The children will have the opportunity to design and create an Ancient Egyptian artefact of their choice as well as using cutting tools to write hieroglyphs. The children will also have the opportunity to get creative and make their own winter soup.

Our topic this term is ‘Everyday Materials’. We will be looking at properties of certain materials and how and why those specific properties make them suitable for particular uses. The children will explore familiar objects in detail and find out about accidental scientific discoveries.

They will continue to work scientifically and carry out comparative and fair tests to answer questions about how and why certain materials are selected and used because of their properties.

PE kits should be in school at all times. Children will take them home at half term to be washed and ready for the next half term. The kit should include: a white t-shirt, royal blue shorts and black PE pumps. Plain black or navy jogging bottoms can be worn in the winter. PE kits can be purchased from Ace Embroidery Please make sure that your child takes off any jewellery before coming into school, unless it is for religious purposes where they need to cover with a sweatband. If your child is unable to participate in PE, please send them in with a note.

PE lessons take place on:

5P - Monday
5R - Wednesday
5V -Thursday


Homework is set every week online. For Maths homework, we will be encouraging children to use Times Table Rockstars, which will be set on a Monday to the following Sunday. English/Maths/Topic homework task will be alternated and set each week, using either Purple Mash or Education City. Some additional homework may be asked for throughout the term which will be prompts for in class work.

The children's login details will be given out for the children to stick on to the front/ or back of their reading records for safe keeping.

Please encourage your child to read daily and listen to them at least once a week and sign their reading diary. During guided reading sessions, the class teacher will sign the children's reading diaries.


Your child will be tested on their spellings every Friday morning

At the start of every half-term, a spelling list will be sent home with your child. Please ensure that your child learns their spellings and are tested on them at home where possible. The spellings can also be accessed on Spelling Frame, where the children can practise their weekly spellings through a range of engaging games, as well as being able to participate in mock/practice tests. Please note that the meaning and understanding of the spellings are important to the spelling test too. The children will be given the spelling in a context. Even though the children will learn and practice spellings from a set rule, the maximum spellings on a test will be 14.

Please find the link below to all of the spelling lists for the Summer term. Try to find the definition of the words and use them within a sentence, as this can help to broaden the children's vocabulary within lessons. The children will be tested on their spellings every Friday morning. 


Please can you encourage and remind children to wear black school shoes to school and not trainers. Our children look so smart when they are in full school uniform and we would like the same standards for everyone.

Also, a gentle reminder that mobile phones are not permitted to be brought into school. If there is a particular reason why your child needs to bring a phone into school, please speak to the office staff as there are certain conditions that are outlined in a letter and a form needs to be signed.

For the latest up-to-date news and events please link the school calendar to your personal calendar.

Parent Guide to the National Curriculum

Spring 2 Spellings

Spring 1 Spellings

Autumn 2 spellings

Autumn 1 Spellings

Bah Humbug Costume List

Bah Humbug Script 2022

Bah Humbug Backing Track

A Toast Backing Track

Dead and Gone Backing Track

Christmas Eve Backing Track

He Was Jacob Marley Backing Track

Glad to be a Chimney Sweet Backing Track

Sleep Tiny Tim Backing Track

Greetings of the Season Backing Track

Fezziwig's Shindig Backing Track


Bah Humbug Song Lyrics (PLEASE LEARN)