Year 6
Our new website has been migrated over the summer - these class pages will be updated by Friday 13th September.
Welcome to Year 6!
Autumn Term
This page will be updated with information throughout the year. Keep checking in to find out what is going on in Year 6.
Meet the teachers:
Miss Cowley (6C)
Mr Hayat (6H)
Mrs Falconer (6F)
Support staff:
Mrs Sherwood, Miss Hinton, Miss Jones, Miss Smith and Ms Blackburn.
PE kits should be in school at all times. Children will take them home at half-term to be washed and ready for the next half term. The kit should include: a white t-shirt, royal blue shorts and black PE pumps. Plain black or navy jogging bottoms can be worn in the winter.
PE kits can be purchased online by following this link:
Please make sure that your child takes off any jewellery and has their hair tied up before coming into school. If your child is unable to participate in PE, please send them in with a note.
This term we will be focusing on Basketball and Gymnastics.
PE lessons take place on:
6C: Thursday PM
6H: Friday AM
6F: Friday PM (Miss Hinton)
Reading records
Reading books and reading records need to be in everyday.
During the week, your child's class teacher will sign their record and check on the frequency of reading outside of school.
Your child is allowed to write in their record; all we ask is that an adult signs their record at least once a week.
It is your child's responsibility to change their reading book in the library when our school librarians are in.
Please encourage your child to read a variety of genres as this will help broaden their vocabulary and inspire reading for pleasure.
Children will be tested on their spellings every Monday morning.
At the start of every half term, a spelling list will be sent home with your child. Please ensure that your child learns their spellings and are tested on them at home where possible. We have included the definitions for each word to help our children understand the word and be able to use them in context within their own writing.
Remember to log in to the spelling frame website so you can practice your weekly spellings. There's plenty of fun ways to learn your spellings on this website. If you need a reminder of your login details, just ask your teacher.
If your child misplaces their spellings, you can download another copy from below or speak to your class teacher who will give you another hard copy.
Current spellings
Upcoming/previous spellings:
(All logins are glued into your child’s reading record. If you need another copy of your login credentials, just let your teacher know.)
Maths: We will be encouraging children to use Times Table Rock Stars, where battles will be set on a Friday through to the following Friday.
English/Maths/Topic: A task will be alternated and set each week, using either Purple Mash or Education City (your teacher will let you know which website to use for that specific week). Check the 2dos or homework sections to find out what you need to do. Each piece of homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday.
Some additional homework may be asked for throughout the term, which will support in class work.
Reading: Please encourage your child to read daily and listen to them at least once a week and sign their reading record.
Year 6 Curriculum
To find out what we will be learning about during this term, take a look at our curriculum leaflet below.
Dates for your diary
For the latest up-to-date news and events please link the school calendar to your personal calendar
Wednesday 4th September - Autumn Term Begins
Monday 16th September - WW2 Day
Tuesday 17th September - Individual school photos (please send children into school with a blue jumper/cardigan)
Friday 27th September - Flu Vaccinations (PM)
Monday 30th September - 10th October - Bikeablity (If your child is successful in gaining a place, you will be allocated a specific day).
Tuesday 15th October - Parents' Evening 1
Wednesday 16th October - Parents' Evening 2
Friday 25th October - Half Term Ends
Monday 4th November - Return to School
Monday 4th - Friday 8th November - Plas Gwynant Residential
Tuesday 3rd December - 6C DT workshop
Wednesday 4th December - 6H DT workshop
Thursday 5th December - 6F DT workshop
Friday 20th December - Term Ends
Book Suggestions
Are you struggling to think of new book choices? Here are some books currently being read and recommended by our year 6 children. If you have another suggestion, let your teacher know so we can add it to the list!
The Language of the Universe
Sam Wu is Not Afraid of Spiders
Harry Potter
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Girl of Ink and Stars
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp by Phillip Pullman
Superhero Street
Tom Gates
The Whispers
A Pocket Full of Stars
Geek Girl
The Girl Who Saved Christmas
World's Worst Teachers
The Bolds
Billionaire Boy
The Cruel Prince
Little Badman
Koala Calamity
The Ickabog by JK Rowling
The Twits
The Secret Kingdom
Gangsta Granny