Our new website has been migrated over the summer - these class pages will be updated by Friday 13th September.
Welcome to Reception FS2!
Meet the Team!
Staffing for FS2
Miss Harwood EYFS AHT & Mrs Peters (Wed-Fri)
Miss Bevan Class Teacher
Mrs Gould Class Teacher
Mrs Peters (Mon & Tue) Class Teacher
Support Staff:
Mrs Jones
Mrs Shaheen (Mon-Thurs am) Miss Andrews (Thurs & Fri)
Mrs Emmanouel (every afternoon)
Mrs Sanderson (Wed & Thurs)
Mrs Kentish (Fri – Forest school am only)
Mrs Arshad (Mon-Fri)
Follow the link below to see our EYFS Staff Chatterpix videos:
A typical day in Reception....
8:40am - Children arrive
8:55am - 9:20am - Phonics session
9:20am-10:30am - CIL (Indoor and Outdoor Learning)
10:30am-10:45am - Fruit and Milk
10:45am-11:30am - CIL (Indoor and Outdoor Learning)
11:30am-11:45am - Adult Led Session (English or Maths)
12:00pm-1:00pm - Lunchtime
1:00pm-1:20pm - Number of the week/word of the week
1:20pm-2:20pm - CIL (Indoor and Outdoor Learning)
2:30pm-2:50pm - Adult Led Session (Topic, RE, PSED or Music)
2:50pm - Story and rhymes
3:15pm - Home time
We will have a greater focus on PSED and supporting your children’s mental health
Every child will have reading books to take home each week. Please write in the diary once a week to give feedback on how your child enjoyed their books, in order for their book to be changed. Blue book bags are ideal to transport reading books and letters to and from home but please do not carry water bottles in these book bags as they sometimes leak. Any damages to reading books will be charged to parents. This includes writing on pages or ripped/torn pages, so please be mindful of younger siblings when sharing books at home.
RH, RB and RGP reading books must be returned on the appropriate day, if the books aren't in school on this day, for whatever reason, the books will not be changed until the following week. Please ensure your child has read and you have made a comment in their reading diary. Thank you.
Dear Parents,
Your child has now received reading books. Please hear your child read regularly throughout the week and comment in their reading diary.
The days for changing reading books are as follows:
RG - Monday
RH – Tuesday
RB - Thursday
Please ensure that your child brings in their reading diary and their books so they can be changed on the correct day.
Kind regards,
The Reception Team
Writing isn't just about putting pencil to paper.
Please find below a document with lots of fun ideas to help you support your child's writing at home.
Writing Workshop 2024
Maths Workshop
P.E days:
RG - Wednesday
RH - Wednesday
RB - Thursday
P.E kits are kept in school and sent home at the end of each half term for parents to wash. Please make sure that they are brought back to school on the first Monday back and check that all items are still clearly labelled with your child's name!
Forest Schools in the Foundation Stage
At Abbey our Reception (FS2) children experience Forest Schools as part of their curriculum. We are fortunate to have an area of land behind our Reception unit, which we have developed into a great outside learning space. Forest school, is not what the name suggests, it is not a school in a forest. Rather it is the application of a certain set of principles and way of working with people in an outdoor area. It is the ethos established by the practitioners and the use of the guiding principles which create a ‘forest school’.
The principles of forest schools are:
- Forest school is a long term process of regular sessions rather than a one-off or infrequent visits; the cycle of planning, observation, adaptation and review links each session.
- Forest school takes place in a woodland or natural environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.
- Forest school uses a range of learner-centred processes to create a community for being, development and learning.
- Forest school aims to promote holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.
- Forest school offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.
- Forest school is led by qualified Forest School practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their professional practice.
Whilst we will teach various tool skills such as; using mallets, cutting tools, using saws and fire lighting, it is the behaviours and attitudes that are developed through the learning process which we believe are the most important. Children are given the opportunity to working collaboratively as a team, make choices, become a leader, communicate with others, practise fine and gross motor skills and most important and perhaps the most important of all, we have fun and make memories! A text will be sent out to parents informing them of the dates their child is taking part in forest school.
You will receive your own login details for 3 of the links below. Check them out and have fun with your learning!!
Purple Mash anywhere login - INFANTS
Click to login from home
Purple Mash anywhere login - JUNIORS
Click to login from home
- Education City login
- Phonics for Parents
Play along with the Alphablocks and have fun with the letters of the alphabet.
Early Reading
Click here for a video of each letter sound (pronunciation)
Mr Thorne Does Phonics
Videos to help your child learn their letters and sounds