RG's First Forest School Morning

This week, Reception Class RG had an exciting first morning at Forest School, filled with exploration and learning about safety in the woods.
The children quickly grasped the importance of their blue rope boundaries, demonstrating great awareness and responsibility
.Curiosity was in the air as they met Stog, Mrs. K's friendly stick companion, along with a host of stick friends that needed faces and decorating to keep him company. The morning was packed with engaging activities: some children concocted imaginative potions in the mud kitchen, while others dug in the pit for worms.
Creativity flourished as many spent time adorning their stick friends. The obstacle course challenged their agility, and water play using pumps and syringes allowed them to experiment with movement and buoyancy. They eagerly discovered which materials floated or sank, fostering their scientific curiosity.
Throughout the morning, the children showed remarkable listening skills and teamwork, taking care of their surroundings and each other. As a delightful end to their adventure, they gathered in the bell tent for a drink and biscuit, sharing stories about their favourite moments and what they hoped to explore next week. It was a memorable start to their Forest School journey.
A big thank you to everyone who sent them in their old clothes, with wellies or boots and their school uniform and school shoes in their bags-fantastic!