Year 6 World War II Day
This event will take place between 9:00am and 3:00pm on 16/09/2024
Thursday 13th June 2024 Dear Parents / Carers, ‘Year 6 – World War II day’ on Monday 16th September 2024 As an introduction to our topic, Year 6 will be visited by ‘Primary History Workshops’ on Monday 16th September 2024 to immerse the children in what it was like to live during 1940s. The children will participate in a range of educational activities and will have the chance to explore genuine WWII artefacts. Also, the children will learn about how the Nazi party planned to invade Britain and how ordinary people stepped up to do out of the ordinary feats! This exciting experience will include: • Case studies of actual SOE agents and Home Guard Operatives • Exploring primary and secondary sources • 1940’s army workout • Exploring and becoming your secret identity • Morse code and Secret cyphers • Planning an operation • Storytelling And much more! For this event it would be nice for the children to dress up wearing a ‘World War II’ costume in order to get the most out of the history immersion experience (see overleaf for costume ideas). We are asking for a contribution of £3.82p towards the cost of this event. Please refer to our Charging Policy for further details. Please log onto your child’s ParentPay account to enable you to make payment for this event and give your consent by Thursday 27th June 2024. We are certain that the children will greatly benefit from this opportunity and will enjoy the experience. Ideas for World War II dress up: World War II costumes – you don’t need to buy any expensive costumes, but adapt what you already have at home. Here are some suggestions. Boys’ clothing • Cap, flat cap and woollen scarf • White, grey or checked shirt • Short trousers (boys didn’t wear long trousers until they were teenagers!) • Jacket or blazer • Cardigan or waistcoat (wool) • sleeveless jumper • grey socks • plimsolls or lace up leather shoes Girls’ clothing • Woollen coat, jacket or blazer • Straw, felt or knitted hat and scarf • Cotton or woollen dress (Girls did not wear trousers) • Woollen skirt and cotton blouse • Woollen cardigan or sleeveless jumper • Long or short sleeved jumper • Ankle socks, grey or white • Plimsolls, leather lace up shoes. Yours Sincerely, Ms. S M Collins School Business Director Executive Head Teacher’s PA